Arbitration & Mediation
Carneghi-Nakasako & Associates professionals have often acted as arbitrators in resolving real estate disagreements.
Often these arbitratons concern market rent for renewal options or mid-term lease adjustments, both for building space rent and ground leases. Other situations include establishing market value for a purchase option. Alternatively, we have testified as appraisal experts at arbitration hearings such as AAA (American Arbitration Association) and JAMS (Judicial Arbitration and Mediation Services).

Carneghi-Nakasako & Associates appraisers have experience with all types of arbitration proceedings including:
- Simple Three-Appraiser-Majority Decision Arbitration
- Written Three-Appraiser-Majority Decision Arbitration with Averaging Mechanism
- “Baseball” Arbitration
- Appraisal Arbitration Panel with Appraisal Witnesses
Mediation is a less adversarial process, and often less expensive. Carneghi-Nakasako & Associates typically participates in the mediation process as an appraisal expert witness or part of a mediation panel.
Carneghi-Nakasako & Associates has the experience and resources to serve the needs of our clients.
Contact us to discuss solutions to your commercial real estate appraisal questions.